Monday, 19 July 2010

Here comes the Big Society. Look busy...

It seems only fitting that on the same day David Cameron reveals how his Big Society idea will work I launch a blog detailing how it won't. Or at least doesn't for me.

I'd been searching for a while for a blog name that encompasses all those niggles and injustices I want to get off my chest. So this is a Big Society-watch as viewed from my vantage point as a flat-owning Hackney resident in Clapton, east London.

I'll be charting my running battles with... well, literally everyone who fails to come up to the mark and abide by the rules. My mark, my rules, obviously. So that includes:

* My neighbours who refuse to turn down the cock-rock they play at floor-thudding volume.

* My deadheaded residential management company that takes three months to repair a security lock.

* Motorcyclists on my ride to work who get aggressive when you remind them they shouldn't be in the green box at the front of traffic because it's reserved for cyclists.

* Shops and services that think nothing of making you take a day off work to take a delivery, then don't show up until the evening.

And so on. I'm watching you all.

Isn't that the point of Cameron's Big Society? By intervening for ourselves, we can make things better for everyone. So here goes. Let's see how long it takes before I get a smack in the mouth.

In between all of that busybodying, I'll also be including my undercooked and ill-informed opinions about all the stuff that does its best to keep me from going postal - the uncool music that I'm listening to, books that I've only gotten a few chapters into, and YouTube clips of dogs doing the funniest things that I hope will make you cry with laughter as helplessly as me.

So welcome to Scenes from the Big Society. And hat-tip to Tears for Fears and Billy Joel for joint inspiration for the blog name. Credit where credit's due, and all that.

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